We'll very soon discover where exactly is the place of climate change issue on the world political agenda as negotiators will in few days time meet in Bonn for the first official talks under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Since the Copenhagen failure the overall feeling has been gloom and doom and many environmentalists fear that many political leaders have lost will to agree on new climate change deal.
The number of climate skeptics (supported by domestic fossil fuel industries) experienced significant growth in the last few months, especially after some mistakes have been found in official climate change predictions.
The current mission should primarily be focused on how to breathe life into the Copenhagen summit's only positive outcome- the Copenhagen Accord that set the goal of limiting warming to two degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit), and also promised 30 billion dollars (22 billion euros) for climate-vulnerable poor countries up to to 2012, and as much as 100 billion dollars annually by 2020.
Since this accord has no deadline or some kind of guideline for reaching the warming target and its pledges are only voluntary many doubt its value, and politicians will in few days have the chance the prove the critics wrong.
This meeting will be very important as it can either restore the lost confidence in new climate change deal or it can destroy even this slim hope in reaching new climate deal that currently exists.
As said before world lacks cohesion on global level so I fear that even this slim hope in reaching new climate deal could be destroyed. Hopefully, I'm wrong on this one.
The rich countries did not sign the treaty because the cost was too high and the poor countries did not sign the treaty because the cost was too high. The UN IPCC can't get around this hurdle. The rich say it is too expensive and the poor countries know that the 'free' money in the billions will have huge strings attached to it. In other words, the billions will be given to them in exchange for the UN controlling them. The treaty stipulates that the UN will build office in every nation to control how the money is to be spent, that means that the UN will control the poor countries, 'manage them' as Ban Ki Moon says. Poor countries feel that the price of all taht money is too high. That's why they did not sign.