Many people mostly connect global warming with ice melting and polar bears. Sadly polar bears are not the only animals affected with global warming. Global warming isn't only affecting polar regions but the whole planet. Yes, Arctic is really rapidly melting making polar bears survival very questionable, but thousands of other animal species are struggling as well.
Many scientists believe how global warming will not have the worst impact on animals that live in polar regions but on the ones that live in tropics. Many tropical animal species are at great jeopardy of going extinct even with the temperature rise of just a degree or two simply because these species are familiar to live in environment within a very small temperature range, and any temperature increase above this range is likely to cause their extinction as they will have not enough time to adapt.
Adaptation to new climate conditions will mean the difference between survival and extinction for many animal species. The ones that will be able to adapt will have chance for survival while others will end up in history books under "animals that used to live on our planet". Though this situation looks like the nature's "survival of the strongest" there's still very big difference between nature selection and "global warming selection". While nature knows exactly how much time certain species need to adapt to new conditions, man-made global warming is coming to soon, not giving enough time to species to adapt, therefore heavily decreasing their chances for survival.
Global warming currently isn't No.1 problem mostly responsible for so many endangered animals around the globe. No.1 problem still remains habitat loss but if global warming strengthens its impact in years to come, many more animals will be listed as endangered, and many will forever perish from the face of the Earth. Biodiversity loss is already huge ecological problem, and if world fails to stop global warming impact this problem will soon reach catastrophic proportions.
This planet does not only belong to us, as we are not the only living creatures on earth. Animals also have the right to live, and we must not only care for our survival but for their survival as well, because we must not forget that all species are connected in so called "circle of life". Global warming is one of the biggest problems in human history and the destiny of our planet is in our hands. Circle of life does not include only us but plants and animals too, and without the circle of life there's no life at all.
Poor animals! I for one agree all animals have a right to live and we humans do not own the earth and are not the only ones living on it!
ReplyDeleteI think we need to stop being so selfish without plants there will be more famine in the world and i am in 6th grade we humans are pitiful
ReplyDeleteHumans are really selfish because if they'd care they will start recyling,reusing,and redusing. If I had it my way I would get rid of all the cars in the world so people could ride their bikes or they could walk!!!! ♥♥ You should love the Earth not Destroy it!!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteseriously , if the world does truly end due to global warming, i'll like to see who the humans will point their fingers at becasue if they truly opened their eyes then they'll realize that its their fault and they could actually do something to put a stop to this, but no they don't even do the slightest effort to help our planet and the beautiful animals that we look down upon as if we were better than them. I'm so mad, they need to realize that they are a sorry excuse for human beings and that they are the casue for the worst possible things that could happen to us. I'm feel disgusted being caled a human.
ReplyDeletei think we should lett al the animals live today and forever♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ a 6th grader
ReplyDeleteI am really shamedby what we have been doing to the earth. All the bad things that are happening to the earth are because of us. I am in 5th grade and want to live to 84 or more. We should take more care of the earth.
ReplyDeletewow its amazing how dumb we did... if we are sopost to be the most intellagent creatures on this planet then why didnt we try and help this b4??!!??
(by a 8th grader)
this is going to sound wierd but pretend you are a kowala in a forest chewing on the branch and suddenly you fall over and die due to a heat stroke .... who would you blame this on the earth or the humans... BACK TO REALITY!!
we mankind were given a such terrific intelligence by the SOVEREIGN-BEING but what for...for the destruction of our own beloved world, no it isn't.! Thus, we should love it and care for it. Diversity Matters: together we care and together we must sustain the bountiful beauty of latter..Don't wait for tomorrow, what u can do for today.. now is the time.. not later...when we already whither.
ReplyDeletevery informative article...Good work...Hope everyone who reads it realises that we all are actually contributing to environmental degradation, which is a serious concern and needs to be looked after..
ReplyDeleteI am doing a speech on global warming... i agree with this! we need to save our planet while we still have the chance! because, before we know it, it will be out of control and there will be nothing to do. help our beloved earth!!!!! (:
ReplyDeletei have to do a global warming research paper... and this helps so much... and its so sad 4 the animals.....:'(
ReplyDeleteglobal warming is going to put and end to the life in the arctic. the polar bears are running out of ice to make shelters on and we are destroying there home with all our air pollution. its total BS. stop thinking about Ur self and help the animals for gods sake. its not cool stop being selfish
ReplyDeleteI hope we would each try to at least, save water, electricity, and tree based materials! That way, global warming would decrease little by little! You don't want the Earth to come to an end, do you? ♥
ReplyDeleteThis was very helful for my global warming project. (: Thank You
ReplyDeletei think it is really sad that the polar bears and all the other animals that are in dangered
ReplyDeletei love ur articles....i dnt wanna say poor animals..i would like to say poor us..coz we are losing our beauty of our planet...
ReplyDeletepoor animals! Such so sad things have to happen because of us!
ReplyDeletewe should stop talking about it and begin to prevent harm ,the animals are going face because of us
ReplyDeletePenguins are my favorite animals and to see them die gives me a stomach ache. we need to act soon, all of us, or we can just say goodbye to the good life, we need to act. . . . . . . . before its too late
ReplyDeletei am gonna try to help put a stop to this i have been researching about this for many years with everyone splurging on this uhh its disgusting. we need to decline on the use and mull over this. fossil fuel is causing the hazard we are consuming too much
ReplyDeletepeople say it is too late to stop global warming COMPLETELY, but i say we should start now, no matter what the future brings (i also love penguins, so i would be very sad to see them die.....)
ReplyDelete``anonymous age 13
You no.... animals are my favourite things in this hole intire world they mean everything too me i love them more than i love myself.... so if you are not going to do anything about it that call yourself a bad person.. not coming from an animal lover but a person that loves to take care of planet earth. It is OUR responsibility to look after it SO STOP BEING A PATATO COUCH AND TAKE CARE OF ANIMALS AND PLANET EARTH.. <3
ReplyDeleteI love the earth and everything on and in it!!!
ReplyDeleteLet us all try to stop global warming and use eco-friendly stuff!!! What would u do without animals?
We need to work together to stop global warming. Earth is our home...it's where we live and nothing can change that. We need a clean and safe home. And not just for us, but for the poor animals. Stop global warming!!!.( This was a good article. )
ReplyDeleteThis is not good. I know as well as suffering global warming the world is also suffering from posts like thses saying stop global warming and that but it's true, it's our world we should look after it and think of the animals that live here to.
ReplyDeleteby a year 7
animals are like diamond to people they are very precious so let us save mother earth to save animals.,...
ReplyDeleteAnimals are living beings too just like us SO LETS TAKE CARE OF THEM AS WELL AS OUR PLANET!!!!!
ReplyDelete(by a 7th grader)
I really like the animals, SO LETS FIX IT PEOPLE
ReplyDeleteI really love animals and have quite a few pets: a horse, a lizard, 15 cats and i am intending to go to vet school. But truly this climate change is truly overrated. The media promotes that all the animals are becoming extinct, but they aren't. Polar bears are one of the biggest supposed endangered animals of the arctic, but from what i have reseached their population numbers have actually been up over the last few years. another thing is the mainstream media doesn't speak up about all the species that are thriving from global warming. I agree there are certain things we could do to reduce things like air pollution, but you have to take into effect the cost benefit ratio.
ReplyDeleteUs humans have taken over the world. There is no where you cant go that hasn't been taken over by us. I really respect that people are making things "green" but we have had so much time that has been wasted. We are just wasting time. Everyone talks about how we have to stop the war but climate change will change our planet forever and war (I know there is alot about it I dont know) wont change what our children experience in nature and around the world.
global warming has been going on since the beginning of earth. the temperature has rosen and sunk for over millions of years. search "temperature records" on wikipedia. global warming isn't just man-made it's natural too.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if we stopped doing all of this, from the beginning, maybe we would not have so many extinct animals already. We have not realized or mistakes until a while ago, already too late for some. We should stop all of this. Even going back and never turning on lights or hand-washing and drying clothes... well okay it may not sound very nice, but...well, i would just hate to see that this whole planet was designed for us, and we just destroy it with all of our fancy electronics and washers and factories. As for the Arctic, well, Polar bears better shed their coat. :[
ReplyDeletei am giving a speech for school on global warming but it is a persuasive speech. Everyone is always asking me what global warming has to do with persuading. now i have an answer. Im persuading people to take control and notice what global warming is doing to us. i am showing them that it is real and that if we dont "stop it" soon we will regret it. like for example, right now i regret not starting my home work sooner. the sooner you start the better
ReplyDeleteWow it is so sad how our public schools are so biased, and indoctrinate kids to believe everything they are told based on their own agenda. Now I am not saying that I am not for being resourceful and responsible, we must take care of our earth. But this over exaggeration of how the earth is going drowned by all the melted glaciers and animals are going to all go extinct. A lot of this is just propaganda to push a liberal mind set on our next generation. I really care about our world and to me the thing that is most going to destroy our way of life much sooner than global warming and melting glaciers is this liberal point of view that our politicians and media have been pushing so hard. No amount of money is going to solve the problem of global warming we should start focusing on solving world hunger and poverty and the many of other REAL problems. There has not been given concrete evidence to support that global waring is real and that it is even caused by humans. I am 15 years old and have almost finished my first year of high school.
ReplyDeleteHave you people ever thought that maybe this is what nature intended?
ReplyDeleteIf we didnt have the ozone layer we would freeze to death, yes fair enough it is getting thicker with all the carbon emissions in the atmosphere.
people aren't pitiful little 6th grader, i was your age not that long ago and i thought we were the ones causing it but when you get to high school and see the bigger picture you will no that people are bias.
you people that are saying we are the cause, get rid of yoour car and ride you bike but ever think that people need cars i couldnt walk to my school everyday, but if i could i would just for the exersize.
Seriously, there are all these scientists working on global warming then they could be finding a cure for cancer or things that really and truly matter not this.
Poor animals I wish we can stop the global warming
ReplyDeleteIt truly will be catastrophic if we don't stop climate change,and I for one agree we should help all the animals who are effected make a quick recovery
ReplyDeletethese animals were on this earth before we were we need to help save them because we depend on them to much!!!
ReplyDeletethis helps a lot for my reaserch report. i chose global warming for a reason, and that reason is to show everyone how much global warming has affected the plants and animals.
ReplyDeleteWe should stop global waming, save our animals, and save our world.
It's not that I believe humans have done nothing to harm the Earth, but if you think about it, it can't be all out fault. Humans didn't cause the Ice Age. How do we know this isn't just another event just like it? Of course we should reduce our emissions because it is hurting wildlife; we just have to remember not everything can be solved in a blink of an eye.
ReplyDeleteWE SHOULD take care of our mother earth.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could bake us a cake with sunshine and rainbows and make it go away.
ReplyDeleteI just started going to a Private school and I really like it I know so much more about what is going on in our world. We really need to change what we are doing!! We point fingers but we all have something to do with Global warming and know one is doing anything about it, we always sit around until its to late! We need to change the way we LIVE if we want to keep LIVING. Global warming is something that will not fix its self we as humans have to do something there is nothing poor animals can do and they shouldn't have to they did nothing wrong!! Take Africa for example why should they have to do anything when they haven't done anything to cos Global warming. One of you said that when you get in high school everything changes and you see the bigger picture... the bigger picture is that if we don't have an earth to live on then we don't need to worry about cancer because there wont be anyone to have cancer. Cancer is a very hard thing to deal with! I know I have had to many family members that have died from it! Back to my point. SOMETHING IN OUR LIVES WILL HAVE TO CHANGE IN OUR LIVES!! Not a big price to pay if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteGuys.. there is a way to help stop global warming!! PLEASE try this!! you see, a huge cause of global warming is factory farming! they need a lot of space for livestock and to harvest animals so they cut down SO many forest and trees! this leads to habitat loss and obviously those factories pollute and cause global warming! how can we stop that? GO VEGETARIAN!! it saves the planet and the poor helpless animals killed for meat. Please please please! and if you think that going vegetarian will impact your health it wont!! you can get lots of protein from beans, fruits and veggies from it! if you're still not wanting to be vegetarian, just try to go vegetarian one day a week. Maybe make monday vegetarian day! also for more info on going vegetarian, go on google and type in "why should i go vegetarian" read all the articles and im sure it will help!! please please please !! thanks for reading!! xx
ReplyDeletenobody listens to us when we say stop global warming animals and humans are dieing because of it if we would cut down on all the factories in pittsburgh and other places the air pollution will be better but nooooo every one has to have their factorised food not farm grown food its pretty sad when even the president wont do anything abot it 500 polar bears die each week because of global warming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletepeople these days they dont know what they are doing to this world, they need to relise that they are destring the planet, its sad how much people are so selfish they dont even relise that they are hurting natures most wonderful thing animals wake up people 9th grader
ReplyDeleteglobal warming is not smoothing that nature has planed in mind global warming is something that is happening from scientist experiment's and is taking a big side affect on our planet as I speak
ReplyDeletethe poor animals! They definitely should be treated the same as us.