Friday, May 29, 2009

Is there enough time left to fight against global warming?

Ten to 20 years ago we could have spoken about having enough time to work on solutions for global warming and climate change. Today we do not have this luxury of time, and world needs urgency to fight global warming. Since 90s many things have shaped in the worst possible scenario, for instance U.S. emissions have increased by 20 percent, China more than doubling its carbon emissions, and many transition countries polluting our planet like never before. This has all resulted in such huge rise of greenhouse gas emissions that even scientists were shocked as their worst possible scenarios suddenly became true.

Many scientists believe that we have already passed safe levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, and yet the carbon emissions are still rising. Kyoto protocol, international agreement that should have make the difference failed big time as almost all major polluters were excluded, or given certain exceptions that in the end resulted in the highest CO2 levels in the history. Alarming condition around Arctic and rapid disappearance of Arctic ice should be more than enough warning that we are running out of time, and that sea level rise in many parts of the world could happen lot sooner than first expected.

But yet, in conditions as serious as this one, yet again we first have to overcome different political and economic opinions that care only for high profits. Certain lobbies are extremely powerful and this will make "go green option" very difficult to achieve. But despite this the whole world will have to act right away and do anything that is possible to cut greenhouse gas emissions, whether to turn to renewable energy sector or using some other solution. United States finally have the right leader to achieve "green revolution" after almost a decade of dark years, and this is something that gives hope.

However there is one problem, namely financial crisis. Financial crisis is really the perfect excuse for politicians and different lobbies to yet again delay urgent action on climate change problem. Like we have all the time in the world. If there is one thing we are really short of then this is time. Urgency is necessity.

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